Thursday, October 12, 2006

Six years of reflection

Although it is incredible to me that six years have gone by since I stepped into the role of Executive Director of the Foundation for Early Learning, it is indeed true. I remember finding out that PeterBerliner, now with the Paul G Allen Foundation, was starting his new job on the same day. It was very reassuring to know that I would enter the new fields of Early Learning and Philanthropy knowing at least one person.

I will not forget the kindness and generosity of Ron Rabin of the Kirlin Foundation who contacted me before I started, took me out to lunch and told me how much he looked forward to working with me and the Foundation for Early Learning.

There were great expectations for the Foundation for Early Learning and a very welcoming community of early learning professionals who were anxious to have us succeed. I remember thinking that if I could just find an office, buy some equipment, hire some staff and stop working out of my home office, then we could really take off.

The collaborative nature of the funders I met and the people working in the field helped the staff and me work towards our goal of seeing every child enter school prepared to succeed. Beginning with the Affinity Group for funders of Early Learning and our statewide Advisory Council, the Foundation understood early on that working with many partners was the only way we would succeed.

I am proud of our partners and our accomplishments, EC2, Getting School Ready!, Child Profile, Kids Matter, the Clark County Early Learning Fund,

In six years, so much has changed. Instead of being the newcomer, the Foundation is now welcoming others who have entered the field of Early Learning. I am excited about our new partners Thrive by Five Washington, the Department for Early Learning and look forward to our work together.

This past year we have seen the development of Washington Learns, an umbrella organization established by our governor to address the issues of our educational system from birth through college. This body has just released a draft of recommendations that will be finalized in November, 2006. It is a complete description of the vision Governor Gregoire and leaders in the community and state have for Washington State's educational system. Whether your children are 18 months or 18 years, it is a "must read" for parents and educators and the public.

So many good things have happened in Early Learning these past six years and I know that the momentum will continue. I hope that you will check this site regularly and add your comments. We can all learn together.


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